Bird Dog Training
Whoa breaking is key to having a great bird dog.
At Thunder King Kennels, training is a daily activity for our dogs as well as those who trust us to teach and train their dogs for hunting or playing the trialing game. We offer many training options. Please call us to discuss costs.
Basic Training: Teaching your dog to come, heel, and whoa.
Bird Dog Training: Introducing your dogs to birds and teaching them to hold point to flush and then retrieve. There are many levels we can take your dog thru at this level. Please call us to discuss your goals with your dog and we can give you a time frame and cost to work with your dog.
Refresher Courses: We know how hard it is for folks who work daily and have busy lives to keep their dogs in shape and sharp with their skills. Not to mention the task of finding birds to train your dog with and in many cases even a good location for training. Thunder King Kennels offers weekly and monthly refresher courses for hunting and trialing dogs. Please consider us before season starts and let us brush up your dogs skills to make your hunting and trialing season a success. Instead of having your dogs sitting in the kennel those warm months before season let us work with them and have them ready to go for you when the big day arrives.
Force Breaking To Retrieve: Please see our "Force Breaking To Retrieve" page for info.